Wednesday, October 9, 2013

photos by: Kyrstin Stratton, edited by: Anahi Gallardo

These photos I would say pretty much describe me. Each emotion tells something about me, even they all scream that I'm weird, well not in a bad way I guess I'm just different and prefer weirdness over "average." This pop art photo to me is VERY intriguing even though the process frustrated me at times. It is true that the pop art process is not an easy one. First, the mug shots my be uncomfortable to shoot, people like me prefer not to be narcissistic and avoid mugs at all times. The next steps involve Photoshop, this is the part that begins to get tedious. We must crop to exact measurements, desaturate, cut, then color is added to the series of photos. After each photo is edited to one's desires, they must all me pasted onto a blank page where they are then arranged to the wanted orders. After voala it is finished! 

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