Wednesday, September 25, 2013

photo by: Anahi Gallardo

This photo was taken at orange glen high school. Since this is my first HDR photo, I will say that I'm not too pleased with the results. Originally, I had planned to shoot at the beach or at Kit Carson park but one thing led to another and before I knew it I forgot to take the camera home. Fortunately, I had taken a couple photos the week before which was a relief for me. The HDR photo shown is the result of a time-consuming process. It consists of a series of at least three photos. One balanced photo and the other two under-exposed and over-exposed. This photo however took five photos. I decided to shoot another pair of photos thinking that it would make the photo more dramatic. I'm glad with the result though, it's not what I had expected but it's alright considering it was my first.

Friday, September 13, 2013

double exposures

photo by: Rubi Ortiz
This photo is a combination of well ME and a place where I would like to travel to in the future. It's a double exposure photo which first starts out as a portrait and then manipulated as the results shown. It was actually very hard for me to create this image. I remember constantly going back and reviewing a tutorial I found on YouTube and looking back on the notes I took in class. After much help and frustration I was finally able to enjoy an authentic Anahi-Paris photo. I love learning new techniques and although this kind of photo is very cool I wouldn't consider this technique to be my favorite. It'S LOVELY! And it also is very difficult to create, I would think that this kind of photo is more at the bottom of my favorite list, at least for now until I get the hang of Photoshop!
photo by: Anahi Gallardo. Taken Outside my apartment

At first I didn't think this photo would have worked out. I wasn't present in class during the notes on panoramics. However, i looked up a tutorial and I got an idea on how exactly they're taken.  I understood that panoramics consists of a series of about 10-20 photos (depending on overlapping space) which are then layered on top of each other and finally cropped and edited to the desired effect. The result, a beautiful photo of the sun sneaking through a gap between the tree's branches. I didn't think it would work out since the tree in this shot is actually very small and creating a giant of a tree seemed impossible. The shot only portrays the magic of photography and special effects. I considered desaturating the whole shot but in the end I decided that the pretty bright green compliments the light blue perfectly. I love it

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

photo by: Anahi Gallardo at oghs

This photo was taken for a project that delt with taking a series of photos and literally stacking them on top of eachother to fit in one frame. Yes the process was long and tedious but the hard work payed off, I am satisfied with the result only because it is my first photo using this technique. The girl in the photo, Kasea Horn is on the cheer-leading squad and I thought it would be interesting to see a cheer-leader in action. The original idea was to get every shot taken with the multiple shot mode and paste them all (originally 7 or 8 shots) onto one frame following a transparent to a full-colored body. However for limbs' sake it wasn't able to be done. If everything would've been carried out as planned her legs and arms would have been all over the place in a really tight space. Even in this shot are her body parts unevenly distributed in the shot but I felt it worked best. I hope my next shot is better!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Taken in my house not too long ago
photo by Anahi Gallardo
My name is Anahi, I am a senior at Orange Glen high school and this is my second year in photography. A lot of my friends don't know that I love comedy, I myself have tried improve comedy myself. I believe that everyone should smile everyday, I know doctors say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" well I'd like to say that "a smile a day will brighten your day" it's true! I strive to give my best at everything whether it be at school or at home I believe that time is precious and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Photography has taught me that music, plays, and improv comedy are not the only types of art out there. I have come to enjoy photography and even though I am not the best Photographer I try my best. I've learned that when you love something you will work hard to improve and work at your technique. I love what I do! Who would I be if I din't work harder to improve?!?!