Friday, September 13, 2013

double exposures

photo by: Rubi Ortiz
This photo is a combination of well ME and a place where I would like to travel to in the future. It's a double exposure photo which first starts out as a portrait and then manipulated as the results shown. It was actually very hard for me to create this image. I remember constantly going back and reviewing a tutorial I found on YouTube and looking back on the notes I took in class. After much help and frustration I was finally able to enjoy an authentic Anahi-Paris photo. I love learning new techniques and although this kind of photo is very cool I wouldn't consider this technique to be my favorite. It'S LOVELY! And it also is very difficult to create, I would think that this kind of photo is more at the bottom of my favorite list, at least for now until I get the hang of Photoshop!

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