Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Taken in my house not too long ago
photo by Anahi Gallardo
My name is Anahi, I am a senior at Orange Glen high school and this is my second year in photography. A lot of my friends don't know that I love comedy, I myself have tried improve comedy myself. I believe that everyone should smile everyday, I know doctors say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" well I'd like to say that "a smile a day will brighten your day" it's true! I strive to give my best at everything whether it be at school or at home I believe that time is precious and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Photography has taught me that music, plays, and improv comedy are not the only types of art out there. I have come to enjoy photography and even though I am not the best Photographer I try my best. I've learned that when you love something you will work hard to improve and work at your technique. I love what I do! Who would I be if I din't work harder to improve?!?!

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